
Advance Planning (End of Life Planning) – whether you have received a terminal or life-limiting diagnosis, or you are preparing your end of life documents in order to have your life organised in case of the unexpected, I am able to support you through  the process of advance planning. Advance planning is a structured approach to exploring your End Of Life wishes, preferences, and options so that your wishes are as clearly-articulated as possible for those who will be in charge of your estate & effects. I can also act as liaison with medical staff, &/or accompany you to medical appointments should you feel the need for additional support.

Fabulous Going-Away Party – Also known as a ‘Vertical Funeral’, this is a celebration of your life that you are present for and a part of. Would you like a themed full-on disco/dance party, an afternoon tea, a BBQ, a beach breakfast, evening banquet, or a garden party? Something else that is ‘just right’ for you? I can help you stage and plan the perfect Fabulous Going-Away Party for you, with all the touches that make it a true celebration of your life. I am also available to oversee and officiate (in your home or in your hospital/hospice) if you would like an MC for your event.

Written & Creative Visual Projects / Telling Your Story – I am a professional writer and artist. Whether you would like to create a memory book, an artwork, a poem, an obituary (how would YOU like people to remember you?), I am able to assist you in bringing your ‘story’ to life. Having a tangible keepsake, of you or your pet, can be an comforting and uplifting part of End Of Life processing.

‘Elder Orphans’ & End Of Life – For those of us without children, parents or other close support networks, the idea of being ‘alone’ at End Of Life may be a frightening and challenging reality to consider. We may be Elder Orphans because we are disconnected from family by the life decisions made by our birth family, or because we are (like myself) childfree by choice. As your Doula, I can be with you up to, & after, your End of Life (or your pet’s End of Life) – with a Doula you need never fear End of Life as being a solitary experience. I am an LBGTIQA community ally and take an inclusive stance in my work as an End Of Life Doula – my practice is a safe space.

Funeral Celebrancy – I am able to help you write a eulogy for yourself or your pet, assist you in preparing your memorial service content and order of service, create a memorial project for your pet or yourself, and lead the service if you would like. I am also able to help you find a celebrant for your funeral that is the best fit for you and your personal vision for your funeral wishes.

Pet & Companion Animal Services – I am able to be with you when exploring your pet’s EOL options and choices, and I can also help you create a memorial project for your pet – many people take comfort in having a tangible, meaningful artwork or memory book of their pet. Memorial ceremonies, pet-inclusive where possible, that engage the community you shared with your pet (dog groomers, neighbours, dog-walking friends, for example) can be arranged so that your pet’s life can be celebrated by the ones closest to you. If you would like to commemorate your pet’s life but are unsure what might be best for you, please email me to arrange a consultation so we can explore your options together.

Vigils & Support in Your Dying – Doulas support life’s transitions. If you wish to have me with you at the time of your active dying, moment of death, & to be the celebrant at your funeral or memorial ceremony (for any or all of these stages), I am able to be there for you. A Doula is particularly helpful when it is necessary to ensure that your personal, expressed End of Life wishes are heard, acknowledged, & acted upon at your end of life journey.

Grief Counselling – I am a skilled and seasoned grief and loss therapist, grief counselling is available by appointment. Please email me for options.